Well That Was Surreal!!

Well That Was Surreal!!

What an amazing feeling it is to see your hard work for the first time on the small screen! I had such a fun night with my husband watching the Netflix series Away and screaming at the tv screen: There is the necklace...oh there it is again... now there is the bracelet... did you see the earrings???? We almost could have made it into a drinking game, if only we were 10 years younger.

The show is now # 1 on Netflix and it has been a great show to watch. It is so different watching a show that you actually worked on, you feel more vested in its success. I couldn't be more proud that Away was the first show I was able to work on. This is definitely an experience I would love to repeat, over and over again. It has been the highlight of 2020 for sure. 

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